Antonym: New Testament. Similar words: first amendment, stamen, acid test, establishment, income statement, establishment of, fourteenth amendment, installment payment. Meaning: n. the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible.
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91 Give one Old Testament and one New Testament incident where leavening is mentioned.
92 The entire book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is written to help believers draw the line between wisdom and folly.
93 Ten mother tongue translators, two from each of five different Quechua language groups, are participating through March 6 in one of a series of Old Testament workshops.
94 The revisions more accurately reflect translations of ancient Hebrew and Greek versions of the Old Testament and the constant evolution of modern-day language, Sperry said.
95 The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice.
96 The Book of Malachi is the last in the canon of the Old Testament Prophets.
97 The early books of The Old Testament reflect the memory of tribal groups in Palestine.
98 Suddenly you got all moral, rampaging like the Old Testament prophet.
99 First of the 12 Minor Prophets in the Old Testament, traditional author of the Book of Hosea.
100 Dogs consumed the body of Jezebel, a princess in the Old Testament, after her defenestration.
101 Malachi a prophet of God wrote the last Old Testament book.
101 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
102 What books of the Old Testament are prophetical? What do they talk about?
103 That is why the Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah will be born of a virgin, which Jesus was.
104 The discovery of Noah's ark would reinforce a literal interpretation of the Bible, says Claude Mariottini, an Old Testament professor at Northern Baptist Seminary outside Chicago.
105 When we talk about apocalypticism, and the Gospel of Mark and Judaism, you have to read at least the last half of the Book of Daniel, from the Old Testament.
106 We have probably inherited some of our knee-jerk reactions to transvestism from the Old Testament attitude that cross-dressers would find 'their blood shall be upon them'.
107 Pilgrim's progress with the old testament and roughly the new testament correspond to the main plot.
108 Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.
109 I was reading to you from the book of Isaiah , in the Old Testament.
110 This Hebraic understanding of the name passes from the Old Testament into the New.
111 In the Old Testament, levitical laws guarded against contagion. Among the things that would contaminate a person were contact with certain animals, carcasses[], or the sick.
112 Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud.
113 The notion of "an eye for an eye" is usually cited or held up as typical of the harsh and cruel standards of the vengeful Old Testament God.
More similar words: first amendment, stamen, acid test, establishment, income statement, establishment of, fourteenth amendment, installment payment, amendment, intestate, detestable, protestant, contestation, estates general, lament, ligament, ornament, filament, sacrament, lineament, tournament, firmament, lamentable, temperament, lamentably, ornamental, parliament, disarmament, sacramental, fundamental.